Doodles on existing prints

These works are various sizes and entail doodling or painting over top of existing works to create something new. Completed between December 2018 - February 2020.

By adopting and re-contextualizing items, I’m constructing tangible memories of an altered history. Refractions of reality. But using appropriated images also brings up concerns of authenticity and authorship. In collage, who is the author of the artwork? And if the collage is constructed of digital photos of sources or if it is painted, does that change the authorship in any way? Does painting the collage change the materiality, and make the piece more unique? It challenges traditional concepts of painting and art; materiality versus immateriality. It moves from tangible to digital and back again. Constructed into something different than it was; something new. 

Currently on display at Caffe Sole in Edmonton

Currently on display at Caffe Sole in Edmonton

Tanya Camp

I am a graphic designer and website developer with 24+ years of professional experience. My background is in visual communication design with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree and a diploma in New Media Design from the University of Alberta. My focus includes print design, identity systems, marketing design, user experience, usability, and website design. I enjoy collaborating and developing custom-fit solutions, focusing on highly usable yet visually beautiful deliverables.

Woodblock personas


Altered Documents series